
Ipomoea alba

The final read aloud of the school year was Jonah Winter’s Sonia Sotomayor: A Judge Grows in the Bronx / La juez que crecio en el Bronx. The author compares Justice Sotomayor to the moonflower that “blossoms in an unexpected place…on a chain-link fence, near broken glass, next to an abandoned building—watered by someone whose name you might not even know.” The Bronx and the Tice Community share diverse ethnicities and cultures.

Ipomoea alba

These moonflowers popped last week, greeting teachers in the parking lot as they arrived on the last day of school.


Naples Botanical Garden Nymphaea

Naples Botanical Garden Nymphaea

Victoria amazonica

Water Garden at the Naples Botanical Garden

Water Garden at the Naples Botanical Garden

Twenty-one hybridizers from around the world submit (via post due to COVID) new varieties for the International Waterlily & Water Gardening Society’s 2020 competition. Read more and see photos of the beautiful flowers here.

Curry and Eggs

Murraya koenigii

Murraya koenigii (and Halyomorpha halys)

A curious array of stink bug eggs is almost tossed into a pan of shimmering olive oil. Once apparent, they’re returned to the potted plant. Hopefully the compassionate act doesn’t end in the decimation of beloved leaves.

Click here for the vegan pozole recipe these tiny orbs almost joined.